Nick n Ants Holiday Diaries

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

People's Democratic Republic of China Part 2 - Arrival @ Shanghai

Our flight to Shanghai was pretty uneventful but we had exit rows which were sweet... Snakes on a Plane was a bit of a let down - although there was some perverse pleasure in watching the movie's captain and co-pilot get brutally murdered by snakes whilst being in a plane... I'm just hanging out for Flying High and Airplane! when we return home to Australia on the next flight...

When we landed in Shanghai - we noticed the thick "fog" around the airport... The Chinese flight attendant then mentioned it wasn't fog but smog...

The airport immigration was pretty busy at the airport... There was some retarded Australian family who were going through ahead of us one at a time (rather than going through as a family)... This was our first encounter with this lot but unfortunately - not the last...

We got our bags and headed for the Maglev - the magnetic high speed train that takes you from Shanghai Airport to some place sort of near Shanghai... Being a sort of poor communist country - I was starting to get a bit worried about the engineering and safety of the train. Ant told me - it floats above the track at 300+kms/hr... Great... To add to the scariness - it also displays the speed of the train... Speaking of retarded - that Aussie family were also on the same train... Coinidence or some Chinese spies getting covert information from us...?

We had to catch the local metro from the end of the Maglev - which wasn't too problematic. We seemed to be able to handle the ticket machine better than some of the locals... Speaking of retarded - that family caught the same metro train we did... Stalking...

After getting lost for 15 mins walking around Shanghai - we finally arrived at the Riverside Bund Hotel - which was more sort of "Creek"side than anything else... The semi-retarded lobby clerk guy gave us a twin room - Ant wanted to demand a double - but I was too tired and thought the room was OK...

On our way out of the hotel - we bumped into that retarded Aussie family - who were booking into the same hotel... Aggghh

Ant and I took a short stroll to Nanjing Lu road - the main pedestrian strip in the city - complete with tacky tourist shops (a la the Gold Coast) and touts (a la everywhere in South East Asia or Peru)... Common tout pick up lines include - "Hello! Watch! Watch!" (who's Watch?), "You like Lady Massage?" (no), "Hello! I think you are handsome!", "Hello! Gay Bar..."... and so on... I would give a white person 100 bucks if they walk down Nanjing Lu and not get touted...

After discovering a convinence shop (a Lawson) - we took another short stroll down to the Bund and Huangpu River... I'll talk about these two later - but it was also Tout-Ground Zero at the Bund at night... Fearing for our wallets - we headed back to the hotel for some shut eye...

Our favourite Chinenglish quote of the day which was at the immigration line at the airport - "Keep the Promise. Don't spread AIDS"... We will keep that in mind...


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