Nick n Ants Holiday Diaries

Friday, December 29, 2006

People's totally sick republic of China - Part 19 - Guilin - Day 13

Our room at the Sheraton had been overheating every night. We are staying on the 5th out of 6 floors and hot air rises. That - plus our aircon doesn't seem to function properly.

Because of this - I woke up totally dehydrated (a la "having a hangover without the fun part of drinking"). I was totally sick and feeling nauseous - and was basically bed-ridden until 4:30pm that day. To top off that day (or should I say early morning) - in a bit of a sleepy state at 4am - I had accidently switched on the TV at full blast after hitting my water bottle on the remote (which woke up Ant). Yeah baby yeah... I do distinctly remember Ant saying "it is alright. You can turn the TV on". To which I replied - "Ant - it is 4 am in the morning and I'm not wanting to watch TV". Although Ant had no recollection of this conversation - being semi comatosed from the day before.

Ant was sweet and got me some Poccari Sweat (Japanese sports drink with a "Robot pis$ing out clear liquid ad" - brillant!) and some Raisin bread in the morning (but in true crazy asian bakery style -it was chock full of sugar). Ant is getting totally addicted from these Coconut biscuits from the bakery - they probably outdo the raisin bread in the sugar stakes and we are probably going to gain massive weight before getting back to Australia.

I saw of was semi-watching TV all day - I watched Napoleon Dynamite again (HBO seems to have a great range... cough!) and CNN had started those Jesus documentary ads again... Damn CNN... I must apologise - as I got the quote wrong from the ad - the woman with the annoying voice says "the followers of Jesus were proclaiming a new king...!", followed by the guy who says "it's all about power". Damn CNN to hell!

Ant did a bit of sightseeing in my absence - he checked out Elephant Hill for a steep 25 yuan for a steep 450 step climb for a somewhat smoggy view of Guilin. For lunch - Ant had the golden arches (tut tut!) which he describes in my diary as being "not hot, like eating fries with sauce".

After I recovered from my non-alcoholic induced hangover (totally not cool) - we both returned to the internet cafe in an attempt to slander the New Plaza Hotel some more. My mum had sent me an email complaining about all the spelling mistakes in the blog - saying it is "indigestion" not "integestion". Hey - why don't you see how good you are with the spelling with a complete lack of spellcheck, english Microsoft Word or Chinese Blogger...?! Anwya may spelling is grate and I do not have dislexleah.

My mum also complained that we didn't go to the house of Dr Sun when we were at Nanjing. Give us a break - we saw a sh## load of stuff whilst we were at Nanjing - and we didn't do it on any ritzy organised tour ("insert poke-tongue out emoticon here").

The Chinese staring sort of reached a new level of weirdness with a guy staring at both Ant and myself (for about 20 minute periods) and what we were looking at on the internet. It's like soo riveting. Plus before I forget to mention - upstairs from the internet cafe in Guilin - there is a roller-skating rink - tres communisitic cool...

Ant and I did a bit of bag hunting. Even the state controlled department store here in Guilin sells dodgy counterfeit bags (Nike backpacks and Diesel manbags for 10AUD). So much for the government crackdown on piracy.

After bypassing a group of young hoodlums who were trying to get a reaction out of us by shouting "HEELLLO!" repeatedly - we completely ignored them and didn't get a "laughing" reaction out of them. Yeah baby yeah...

For dinner - we went to the restaurant formerly known as either the "Flavour Restaurant" or the "Cheap Restaurant" (both the Flavour and the Cheap had been sticky-taped over). The woman was really pushy - saying "you would love the pigeon" or "you want the expensive fish" and wouldn't even give us the time to fart let alone look at the menu in peace. And she had been to the McDonalds school of upsizing - "you don't want that fish - it is small - you want the big (expensive) one". We passed over the pigeon, turtle, dog and snake and ordered the hotpot fish instead - which is interesting where they bring out a burner and big wok and let you semi-cook the fish on the table. (Ant just got some bamboo chicken thing - because of the whole no fish rule).

Another strange thing was that the bowls, cups and chopsticks were all shrink-wrapped - for your protection...

We headed back to the hotel to try and finish the rest of our beers in our hotel room (klassy with a "k"). I tried to watch a little bit of the HBO hyped Tsunami: The Aftermath telemovie - but it was about as boring as Napolean Dynamite (maybe even more boring)...


At 10:42 PM, Blogger NicknAnt said...

Pedro rocks harder!


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