Nick n Ants Holiday Diaries

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Japan to Australia via Eastern Europe - Part 3 - Day 1 Continued (Up Late)

After waking up from my self-induced 3 hr coma - we decided to get up and see a bit of Tokyo.

It was about 5:30ish at night and we made (subway) tracks for Ginza - the sort of rich beeeactch part of town. Some of the architecture was pretty impressive including the Sony Building (although it wasn't really what we remembered - seemed more like the HQ of Sony rather than the Sony Shop with toy Ibios which you could sware at in Japanese). Although you have to wonder if all the neon lights and big flashing screens at Ginza are really necessary!! Would someone please think of the greenhouse gas omissions or something!

We stumbled across an HMV which we must of spent 1/2 an hour wandering around. The CD prices are pretty similar to Australian CD prices (so pretty cheap) - and the Japanese versions tend to have wacky Japanese only bonus tracks...

We also stumbled across a Bic Camera (eg: big Japanese electronic department store) near the Ginza JR station. The first floor was full of those funky Japanese mobile phones and big screen f##k off TVs. I had Ant take my picture in front of one TV which was probably 2mtrs big. I bought a couple of PSP games including that Drum game and Ant bought an additional camera battery...

We made (subway) tracks back to Asasuka (spl?!) and thought that my parents and the Julie Crew might have arrived at their hotel. Strangely enough - Julie's Crew were checking in as we wandered past the hotel (just had to spot the disorganised looking bunch of middle-aged white people).

After greeting the Julie Crew - we raced back to our hotel and grabbed our "wedding booty" (eg: other people's suits) and dumped them at the Julie Crew Hotel.

Ant and I decided to follow the Julie Crew and have dinner together. My mum got a recommendation from the Julie Crew Hotel to have dinner at a nearby Japanese bar. The food was bite-size pieces of skewers or fried cheese and the like and was all good. The beer was probably better.

My Aunt was making a bit of a scene - "does that kebab have sauce on it?!" - although in her defence - she will get sick if she eats sauces (or something).

Ant and I had a chat with my cousin Matthew - who's visit to Japan was his first... first in Asia as well. He was enjoying it and was surprised that he was keeping well within his budget for the holiday ( budget what?)... He also has to check out of the Julie Crew Hotel for one night (before the wedding) and check back in because the Julie Crew Hotel was full or something.

My mum mentioned that Sacha had hatched a plan to take everyone in Julie's Crew to a baseball game in Yokohama. Usually anything my brother organises turns into tears...

After dinner - Ant and I talked some people into having ice cream after dinner. Little did they know that we had 7-11 ice cream in mind (rather than some gucci hand made gelatti or something). Japanese Ice Creams from 7-11 (like China) are equally cheap as they are weird - but hey that is half the fun of travelling.


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