Nick n Ants Holiday Diaries

Friday, February 01, 2008

3rd day in Selva - Sellaronda bitches

I wake up at 6am today - my latest start. Perhaps the jet lag is losing its grip.

This morning before breakfast - that damn Jimmy Blue song gets in my head. At breakfast (the hotel was serving cake!) - I was singing it to S&T but they didn't know the song.

We headed out to the slopes about 9:30am (which is an early start by our standards) but minus Taeko - who was going to have a day off to rest plus finding garden gnomes. Just like her castle fetish - Taeko's gnome fetish isn't very understandable. WTFIWWJ!

My mum had been branging about wanting to do the Sellaronda all our time here. My parents had stayed at a different town a couple of years ago (Camppello or something) and she had been raving about a run that takes you around a few mountains, it is continuous (bar a few lifts and such) and takes you a "whole day" (according to my Mum). So Dad, Mum, myself and Sacha headed off on the Green Sellaronda (not green as in easy but green as in counter-clockwise). The Orange Sellaronda is a different route (or alternative as they call it) and it goes in... you guessed it - a clockwise fashion.

It was really nice sunny t-shirt weather to begin with... By the way - the weather here at Selva has been fairly mild - sometimes it is just t-shirt and ski jacket material - no skivies. No wind chill - which has been great.

It was fairly scenic - as all of the mountains are very kodak friendly. You pass through several villages (including past where my parents stayed last time). We had to take our skis off and walk a few 100ms through a small town (so much for a continuous run). We stopped and had a coffee at a small cafe at the top of a mountain. I was drinking cafe lattes since the start of the trip - but I decided to switch things up and order a cappucino... which is pretty much like a flat white back in Australia (eg: no chocolate sprinkles) - so I was set now. The weather began to turn and it started snowing for the first time this holiday. It wasn't blizzard material - it was fairly light and the weather was still not cold. Australia gets colder than this.

We had lunch at a restaurant at Plan (which is right next door to Selva - so much for the Sellaronda taking all day) and I had some great lasagne and coke. Upon our return to Selva - we lose mum (she heads back to the hotel) and Dad, Sacha and I go for an extra run down the black home trail at Selva. They both give up after the run - I go for a second.

When I got back home I watched some (you guessed it) German MTV. They don't seem to care about playing stuff with English swear words. In fact - even their promo for Urban music has someone rapping "White rap f##king sucks!" - then ironically - they show a picture of Eminem.

I guess it is no different than Australia - I remember watch Media Watch and they picked up on a Bonds Underware Commercial which used a Bonde De Role song (Brazilian baile funk group who according to Sacha have split up) which has Portugese lyrics and translated translates into:
Marina Gasoline
Marina is on fire!!!
Hum ooh hah
Meet me after school
And I’ll beat you like a gorilla
Bite you like a whore
Come and play with my pussy

— Bonds advertisement

Although when Bonds found out what the Portugese rap translated into - they pulled the commercial.

A song which was starting to bother me was the Deutsche Bad Boy songMarina Amphetamine
Marina Gasoline
Marina is on fire!!!
Hum ooh hah
Meet me after school
And I’ll beat you like a gorilla
Bite you like a whore
Come and play with my pussy

— Bonds advertisement


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