Nick n Ants Holiday Diaries

Saturday, February 02, 2008

5th Day at Selva - PMT Time

I had a good sleep - an unusual event on this holiday.

At breakfast - mum recalls to us some disturbing details about a dream she had last night - she dreamt she was married to Rod Stewart and he said to her "just buy whatever you want!".... Vomit. I can't help but think of that South Park episode where they wheel Rod onto a stage in a wheelchair and he mumbles to his nurse "poopsies" and she wheels him off the stage and deals with his underpants accident.

As Tasha were doing their own thing today - Mum, Dad (I could shorten this to either "Mad" or "Dum"...). Because my mum had been domineering all of the previous days (lets do the Sellaronda! lets go to Corvara!) - I decided to take control and demand that we head back to Campintino (not sure of spelling) and ski around there and a few other places instead. Because I was wearing the pants - my mum started to have PMT and was in a bad mood. We headed down along the Sellaronda route (something that she had chosen a few days earlier) - and screamed at me "This run is SH#T" (her emphasis was on the SH#T). She could have done with some time in the "time out stool". She also was complaining that we were going "too far and would not be able to make it back to Selva"... I think we made it back to the hotel by 3pm... Plenty of time...

We had some lunch at a deserted cafeteria - well it didn't look deserted from the outside and there were 1000s of little brats screaming and carring on - but once inside - there was no one - including anyone to help you.

On our final run of the day - we accidently took mum on a black run. Admittedly - it was the hardest run that we had been on all holiday - but it was still no Kamikaze at Blue Cow. My mum's PMT picks up again and she does a dummy spit and falls down on purpose and demanded that my Dad walk 20m up the mountain and help her. Luckily for us - a stranger skis past my mum and offers to help her. My mum's mood suddenly changes and she gets up by herself and skis down the run... I don't think she was expecting that.

Although what I had ordered for dinner was not quite what I was expecting (for entre - Polenta - but it was like porridge - and for a main - Cheese Dumplings) - I think it was pretty tasty and outdid my mum's choice...


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